前文曾提到上個世紀跟 Perrins 去布去布拉格,發生了一件令人難忘的事。當年我們有一位十分經典的團友,到布拉格的黃金小徑參觀,走進一間商店買書。可是不知發生什麼事,應該是誤會吧,書店說他偷書,大家爭持不下,店主還說到要報警。最後不知他是否被逼買下那本書才平息,但我們因此而足足等了一小時!

當時已是下午一時多,下一個景點就是查理四世大橋。作為領隊的 Perrins 說,捷克的餐廳很有性格,過了午餐時間就休息,有錢也沒得吃,所以必須趕快走完查理四世大橋,他給我們 15分鐘自由時間!如果有興趣,下午自由時間可以折返細看。

黃金小徑 (la Ruella d'Or,英文名為 Golden Lane),是以前布拉格打造早黃金的地方,#22 號屋是文學作家卡夫卡寫作『城堡』之地。整條街相當精緻可愛,具有童話般的外觀和柔和的色調,小巧的門窗,低矮的屋頂和許多煙囪,很受遊客喜愛。









今次重遊,我們的領隊說,給我們45分鐘自由時間,由黃金小徑到集合地點,12:00 pm 必須到達。
愛拍攝『到此一遊』照的某幾個團友,不知是聽錯,還是『你見我未走,我見你未走』,繼續拍攝遊,結果,在那段路上,足足花了一個半小時,在 12:45 pm 才跟我們會合。


領隊終於集齊團友後說:『我拜托你們了,我們在餐廳訂的餐,過了時間就沒檯,會給其他客人的,請你們好好注意時間,不要再遲到了。現在我們參觀查理四世大橋,我五分鐘行完,給你們 20分鐘,橋尾集合。』

怎麼 13年前發生過的事,在這天重蹈覆轍?

查理四世始建於1357年,完成於15世紀初。直到1841年,作為跨越伏爾塔瓦河的唯一橋樑,大橋是聯接老城與布拉格城堡及鄰近地區最重要的通道,該橋最初稱為「石橋」(Kamenný most)或「布拉格橋」(Pražský most),直到1870年才命名為「查理大橋」。查理大橋長516米,寬約10米,16個橋拱,兩端有3座橋塔,橋上安放有30座雕塑,其中多數為巴洛克風格,豎立於1700年前後。從1965年開始,所有雕塑已經有系統地用複製品代替,原作移往國家博物館展出。


聖卡加坦 St. Cajetan- The statue represents the saint, one of the founders of the Order of Theatines, in his order vestment standing on a pedestal with an obelisk, which is covered with clouds and angel’s heads and a picture of the heart on its top. The obelisk is the symbol of Saint Trinity.


聖奧古斯丁 St. Augustine-  The patron of Augustinian Order, the Alexandrian bishop and an excellent philosopher living between 354 and 430 is shown in his pontifical vestment in the famous scene with a little angel, who tries to replace the sea with a shell.


聖法蘭西斯天使 St. Francis Seraphic - Three isolated figures of St. Francis and two angels in the Academic Classicism of the 19th century stand on the Baroque-revival pedestal. The statue stands in the place of the similarly composed older statue, the sculptor of which was the Lesser Town sculptor and inn-holder František Preis.

John of Nepomuk再次出現了,可見他在當時多麼受人尊敬。1393年3月20日,根據瓦茨拉夫四世和波希米亞國王的命令,他在查理大橋被投入伏爾塔瓦河。

The statue of John of Nepomuk - The sculpture traditionally envisages the saint as a bearded canon with a starry gloriole, with a martyr’s palm and a cross in his hand. The figure stands on a tripartite pedestal, in which three bronze-cast plates with scenes of Queen Sophia’s confession and saint’s throwing-out into the Vltava river are imbedded.

遠遠看到右邊金頂的是 Statni  Opera 國家歌劇院

St. Joseph- The statue of the saint accompanied by the little Christ stands on the Gothic Revival architectonic pedestal.

聖諾貝爾特、聖西格門、瓦次拉夫 Sts. Norbert, Wenceslas and Sigismond - The Gothic Revival pedestal carries the standing figures of three saints – the Czech national patrons. St. Norbert, the founder of the Premonstratensian Order and the archbishop of Magdeburg, stands in the middle, St. Wenceslas to the left and St. Sigismond to the right.

聖安娜聖母 St. Anna - The saintess, the Virgin Mary’s mother, holds blessed little Jesus and in front of her to the left Virgin Mary is shown as a young girl.

Pieta- The group represents the Virgin Mary and St. Magdalene bemoaning the dead Christ, above whom stands St. John the EvangeliSt. The empty cross overhangs the group.  In the 15th century there used to stand a Column of the Crucifixion, which was destroyed by floodwater in 1496, cousing the column to crash down.

耶穌受難像 Statuary of St. Cross – Calvary - The vermeil Christ corpus was bought in 1657 in Dresden and placed on a wooden cross in 1659. The bronze Hebrew inscription (holy, holy, holy God) came in 1696 from the fine of a Jew, who jibed at the cross. The cartouches on the cross pedestal contain trilingual inscription about this incident

聖巴巴拉、聖瑪格烈特、聖伊利沙伯 St. Barbara, St. Margaret and St. Elizabeth -  St. Barbara stands with a martyr’s coronet, a goblet and a tower in the centre of the statue, on the right side St. Elizabeth embellished with royal attributes gives alms to a poor man and on the left St. Margaret stands also with a martyr’s coronet, with a cross and a dragon.

 聖伊凡 St. Ivo - The statue represents a loose group expressing the important saint’s feature of the spiritual judge, who defendeds socially weak people against the injustice of the powerful. There is a group of an old man and a mother with a child behind the figure of St. Ivo and an allegorical figure of Justice on the other side. St. Ivo was also the patron of lawyers and of the Faculty of Law at the Prague’s Charles University

聖母與聖伯納 St. Bernard - A group of St. Bernard, the founder of the Cistercian Order, kneeling and adoring the Madonna, is situated on an asymmetrical tripartite pedestal. Little angels holding the abbot’s infula and attributes of Christ’s sufferance, which are also the saint’s attributes, are below the Madonna and on the left edge of the statue.



本來很有威嚴的銅像,可是旁邊有大大個 WC


香草湯!一直回味味著當年因遲到餐廳午飯 (約2:30 pm 才抵達),肚子餓著到達餐廳後喝到超美味的香草湯。想不到今次來布拉格,同樣喝到香草湯!


頂呱呱的紅莓醬雪糕配蛋卷,yummy yummy,再讚!

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